Little Miss Swan

Pennings of a Part-Time Vagabond 
(or... the creative's war on procrastination)

Whilst my initial musing was be to begin this literary marvel with something along the lines of "Thus initiates the online chronicle of a twenty-something artisan..." very quickly my mind brought to my attention the fact that in the coming year (2012) I shall be entering that uncertain decade known as The Thirties! Not wanting the necessity of updating (albeit annually) this initial "get to know me" I have opted instead for a far more general welcome...

I've never been one particularly skilled in self-description. When posed with the question of career on the customs form of international flights, my response can be anything from social worker to professional artist. The myriad of answers I have given to similar online polls is bordering on the ridiculous. I suppose the best way to describe me would not be in description of career path or education summary but rather this:

I am an avid and insatiable collector.

My collections are not stamps, sports cards or (in the case of my beloved aunt) teapots. No, my collection is rather more absurd: I collect skills, thoughts and experiences.

To date (and to the best of my recollection. Alas memory is one skill I am yet to master), I have collected the following skills:
Crochet, Piano, Knitting, Sketching, Basic Swedish, Basic Molecular Gastronomy, Waldorf Doll Making, Jewelry Making, Musical Theatre, Horse Riding, Trumpet, Micro-herb Gardening, Clothing Design, Basic Carpentry, Basic Bricklaying, Various Computer-related skills, Managing Violence and Aggression in Vulnerable Persons, Basic First Aid, Housing Management, Event Management, Interior Design, Costume and Set Design, Guitar, Working with Children and Youth, Music Direction, Creative Direction... Anyway, there are many more and some I am most excited to be adding to this list in 2011, namely, African Drumming, Sailing, Poi and Scuba Diving! Many of these skills overlap with my collecting of thoughts and experiences, I am an addicted traveler whose Wanderlust seems to be somewhat insatiable; likewise is my love of learning to understand things more deeply. Whether it be social, political or religious beliefs, ethical eating or the workings of the human mind, I long to understand.

So that is, I suppose, a good initial outline on what makes me tick... now if only I could beat that mortal enemy of the creative mind - procrastination - I could master more of these...

    Thoughts, comments, unrelated ponderings...